Constituency Profile
Baldasaro, Michael |  |
Gracey, Anthony |  |
Horwath, Andrea |  |
Kuhlmann, Robert |  |
Lawson, Chris |  |
Ormond, Peter |  |
Passmore, Steven |  |
Sheppard, Don |  |
Szajkowski, Robert |  |
Tiqui-Shebib, Donna |
Incumbent: |
Andrea Horwath |
Federal Riding Prediction
Previous Prediction - 2007 Provincial Election
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 | 11 09 14 |
A.S. |
While it was still a solid win, Horwath underpolled some expectations, largely because the Greens took a big near-rebate chunk of the vote. For quite obvious reasons, such underpolling is well nigh impossible now--then again, who knows; after all, the polling highwater mark for Premier Bates in Ottawa South remains 1995... |
 | 11 08 23 |
R.O. |
Andrea Horwath will easily hold this riding regardless of whatever happens to the ndp , get a sense there vote is volatile and may go up or down depending on what happens . Hamilton remains a fairly safe ndp area so its likely to stay that way on election day regardless of if ndp makes significant gains in other parts of the province or not. its very tough to say if provincial ndp can match the numbers federal party got back in May or come anywhere close to number of seats won federally in Ontario. |
 | 11 07 22 |
robert |
Andrea in a romp. The other parties might as well run pylons. |
 | 11 03 01 | |
NDP no questions asked! Andrea is a well liked leader and this riding is easily the safest seats in Ontario, outside of the north. Vote share for NDP goes up 5%. |
 | 11 02 28 |
SB |
NDP leader Andrea Horwath is popular in Hamilton and to her party faithfuls. The NDP will win this seat with over 50% of the vote. |