Profil de circonscription
 | New Democratic Colella, Laura |
 | Marxist-Leninist Colly, Garnet |
 | Conservative Le Tourneau, Lucie |
 | Green Monteleone, Frank |
 | Liberal Pacetti, Massimo |
 | Bloc Québécois Salem, Farid |
 | No Affiliation Young, Joseph |
Député: |
Massimo Pacetti |
2006 Résultats:
Nous n'aimons pas des films publicitaires non plus, mais quelqu'un doivent payer le loyer.
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 | 08 04 25 |
M.C. |
Saint-Léonard/Saint-Michel est un bastion libéral inébranlable. Peu importe qui se présentera dans ce comté, Massimo Pacetti sera réélu les doigts dans le nez!!! Et en passant, contrairement à ce que certains laissent entendre, le comté de Saint-Léonard/Saint-Michel n'est pas anti-francophone! |
 | 08 02 16 |
A.S. |
If the Liberals can rake in 57% of the vote in the disaster that was election '06, **in the seat whose former MP helped seed said disaster**, then SLSM can withstand Stephane Dion dragging the party even further into pariah level in his own province. |
 | 07 08 06 | |
Les appuis pour le Parti libéral font très peur dans ce comté anti-francophone et anti-souverainiste. Pacetti menacerait de faire sauter le comté en pleine campagne électorale et il serait élu pareil avec 98% des votes seulement pour bloquer le Bloc. Un château-fort dont les gens n'ont aucun suspense lors des élections. Victoire libérale plus qu'écrasante, encore une fois! |
 | 07 04 09 |
Dr Bear & Prof Ape |
If the Liberals can rake in 57% of the vote in the disaster that was election '06, then imagine what they can do now that they are no longer a pariah party in Quebec! |
 | 07 04 09 |
Brian Appel |
Largest concentration of Italians in Canada located in this riding, second only to Vaughan. Right-leaning riding with an MP that matches the mood of his constituents perfectly. Pacetti could go on vacation during the election and still win the riding with over 50%. Easy Liberal hold. |
 | 07 04 03 |
J.F. Breton |
Comté historiquement libéral, à forte concentration italienne. Victoire libérale acquise. |
 | 07 04 02 |
M. Lunn |
After Vaughan this has the second largest Italian community of every riding and in the case of Quebec like most Allophones they go solidly Liberal. While the BQ has made some gains amongst some immigrant groups such as the Haitian community, this has not happened amongst the Italian community so even though they lost neighbouring ridings like Ahunstic and Papineau, no major effect happened here. |