Election Prediction Project

British Columbia Provincial Election - 2011

Victoria-Swan Lake

Prediction Changed
2013-05-14 23:58:19

Constituency Profile


Bates, Christina

Fleming, Rob

Malthouse, Spencer Alexander

Rob Fleming


  • Previous Prediction - 2009 Provincial Election
  • Pundits’ Guide - 2008 Prepresentation Order

    2009 Result:

    Rob Fleming*
    Jesse McClinton
    David Wright
    Robert (Bob) Savage


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    13 04 20 GV
    With plenty of civil servants living here (and voting in large numbers), there isn't any reasonable doubt about who will win. I do agree with Laurence Putnam that Fleming may well be denied a cabinet seat. I don't, however, think that such a decision would be of any moment to Fleming's constituents.
    13 03 27 Laurence Putnam
    Guaranteed, easy NDP slam dunk. If Fleming doesn't make cabinet it's only because the Island will already be over-represented in cabinet.
    13 03 08 NO PARTISAN BS
    The NDP will sweep the Island and the only issues to be decided are the margin of victory and how much the Green vote will grow. The Liberals will fall into third and may not even be in double digits.
    13 02 05 JKennethY
    The Island will go 100% NDP. The Greens have an outside chance in a seat or two and will finish well ahead of the BC Libs in popular vote. The Conservatives are out of the question

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