Constituency Profile
Foster, Keith |  |
Gill, Amarjeet |  |
Khan, Masood |  |
Mangat, Amrit |  |
Milloy, Christin |  |
Pandher, Karanjit |  |
Widla, Walter |
Incumbent: |
Amrit Mangat |
Federal Riding Prediction
Previous Prediction - 2007 Provincial Election
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 | 11 09 25 |
A.S. |
I'd be tempted to give this to the Liberals had the federal election not proven that even Navdeep Bains was fallible. Oh, and Retired Observer's report on NDP candidate muddle would carry more weight were it not a virtual duplicate of his Brampton West entry--*two* nine-year-resident candidates claiming Tommy Douglas mentorship and talking about pool tables/portables?!? The ONDP's sure quick at adopting cloning technology... |
 | 11 09 24 |
Retired Observer |
That we live in a multicultural and inclusive society is a wonderful thing. I attended an all candidates' debate this week at Royal Orchard Middle school. Comments made by the NDP candidate, Karanjit Pandher left me quite confused. Mr. Pandher began his openign remarks by telling us that he had been mentored by Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton. He then went on to say that he arrived in Canada nine years ago (2002). Mr. Douglas died in 1986 and either Mr. Pandher was mentored by way of seance or he has some issues with the truth. Perhaps the funniest part of the evening's debate on education were Mr. Pandher's repeated statements about ‘pool tables’. The words were used numerous times by this fellow over the course of the evening. Only on my way home did I figure out that he was trying to express his unhappiness about ‘portable’ classrooms. Mr. Pandher's claim that he will be a ‘strong voice’ for his future constituents left me confused. Given that the NDP can not possibly split off Liberal votes in this riding and that the incumbent's signs are all over the riding, this riding should be called as it's all over but the counting. |
 | 11 09 20 |
Art |
This riding was going to be tagged by the website folks as Liberal before the first blog.............. A good chunk of these folks just voted for an X-MP to be their councilor. Given that, they may be too asleep or weary to get out and vote. So ---- status may be likely. |
 | 11 07 11 |
Paul |
Liberals have lot's of money in this riding and won't go down twice in a year. |
 | 11 05 04 | |
I think this time Mangat will have tough time. With the victory of Eve Adams in the same federal riding it seems people are shifting from Liberals to Conservatives. Moreover PC candidate Amarjeet Gill has experience of working in political campaign of Parm Gill who just defeated strong candidate Ruby Dhalla with 10,000 votes. There is no wonder if Parm Gill and Eve Adams helps PC candidate in this riding, If that is the case this time it will be a PC riding. |
 | 11 04 20 |
Paul |
Lot's of votes that can change around this election. Liberals should win but unless the PC's put up a strong candidate, the Green's may surprise and come in 2nd. |
 | 11 02 23 |
Art |
Mangat?s got connections; but a weak performance lacking in knowledge and communication skills. But, likely to go with the flow as the election draws closer. |