Profil de circonscription
Chicoine, Sylvain |  |
Freeman, Carole |  |
Kwan, Clara |  |
Schwey, Linda |  |
Sullivan, Linda |  |
Turcôt, André |
Député: |
Carole Freeman |
prévision historiques
2008 prévision
2006 prévision
2004 prévision
2000 prévision
Pundits’ Guide
Nous n'aimons pas des films publicitaires non plus, mais quelqu'un doivent payer le loyer.
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 | 11 05 01 |
Stéphane Gaudet |
Le NPD a besoin d'un transfert de votes de 15% du Bloc vers le NPD, je crois qu'il l'aura, les sondages indiquant un transfert de l'ordre de 20%. Le NPD a obtenu un résultat respectable 15% le 14 octobre 2008. De plus, je crois que c'est dans la banlieue de Montréal que le NPD gagnera le plus de sièges au Québec. Victoire NPD. |
 | 11 04 29 |
Paul Tremblay |
Point of information : Mohawks don't vote in ‘white’ elections. Period. By the way Kahnawake is as far as I know the only municipality (for lack of a better word) that voted ADQ in the 2008 provincial election, but not in 2007. The reason ? Two voters from Kahnawake voted in 2008 and both voted ADQ. No one -- literally -- voted in 2007. And don't believe that the Elections Canada data for the 2008 federal vote contradicts this, they had to merge a Chateauguay poll with Kahnawake to hide the Kahnawake (non-)vote (they always do this when almost no one votes in a poll to be absolutely sure the vote remains fully secret for everyone). As for ‘white’ voters, while they may enjoy the cheap cigarettes and gas as long as they aren't seen doing business with these stores, many francophones in particular still hate the Mohawks because of the 1990 crisis and everything that came with it. If there is one riding in Quebec where Bloc voters are less likely to switch to the NDP, this is the one... |
 | 11 04 27 |
Teddy Boragina |
This is one riding I've had NDP for some time now on the math. It does contain a large native reserve which should be helpful to the NDP vote. |
 | 11 03 28 |
M.Lunn |
If the Liberals couldn't win this in 2000 when they were much stronger in Quebec, there is no way they can win it now. |
 | 09 08 31 |
JF Breton |
Ce qui profite nettement au Bloc dans cette circonscription, c'est la division du vote entre les Libéraux, les Conservateurs et le NPD. À leur trois, ils cumulent 3000 voix de majorité. Ça ne devrait pas être différent cette fois-ci et il serait surprenant que la majorité de 14000 voix du Bloc soit menacée. |