Constituency Profile Profil de circonscription
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Libearl/libéral Navdeep Bains |
NDP/NPD Nirvan Balkissoon |
Conservative/conservateur Arnjeet Sangha |
Marxist-Leninist Tim Sullivan |
Green/Vert Grace Yogaretnam |
Incumbent/Député: |
Navdeep Bains |
2004 Result/Résultats:
Navdeep Bains 24753 |
Parvinder Sandhu 10433 |
Larry Taylor 6411 |
Paul Simas 1525 |
David Gershuny 185 |
For historical result, please see 2004 Prediction page |
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21 01 06 |
Amanpreet Bal |
Here is what Mississauga News(www.mississauga.com) said in its editorial about Navdeep as they endorsed him; In Mississauga-Brampton South, Liberal incumbent Navdeep Bains has bridged the gap between longterm and newer Canadians, and has been described as having potential to become the first visible minority prime minister. He's bright, charismatic and has a well-honed sense of humour that will hold him in good stead, if re-elected. |
19 01 06 |
ram |
Times are changing in the Peel (Mississauga/Brampton) area and the Conservative are coming on strong. Bains has supported same-sex marriage and in this riding with its composition of visible minorities is going to hurt him. |
09 01 06 |
B.B. |
Even thou it wasn't even close last time, the Bains camp seems to take nothing for granted. This riding has two main parts. In the north (Brampton) it might seem to be closer race, Sangha has 1 sign for every 20 Bains has. But in the south (Mississauga) Bains has 60-80 signs for every single Sangha sign. Don't think Bains should have any problem. |
29 12 05 |
AB |
Navdeep Bains should easily win this riding. Main opponent(conservative candidate) is unknown to her own party. This is what Toronto Star mentioned in its story on Dec. 22, 2005; "Almost 17 months ago, in a similar face-off, voters sent 28-year-old Bains to Parliament as one of the youngest MPs, with 24,753 votes to Conservative Parvinder Sandhu's 10,433. Sangha, 39, his opponent this time, ran uncontested for the Conservative nomination after Sandhu and two others dropped out. Her political profile is so low that the Ottawa party headquarters, apparently flummoxed by her name, insisted she was a man earlier this month." |
25 12 05 |
A.S. |
A new seat which bore all the hallmarks of a Liberal rubber-stamp--and the stamp was handed on a platter to that archetypal harbinger of the new 905, Navdeep Bains. (The youngest Liberal MP--and it's worth noting that virtually nothing but farms and hamlets existed within these boundaries when he was born.) Re the SSM bugaboo, it'll more likely define voter choices by party than by candidate, so Bains is off the *direct* hook on that count; besides, the seat's more of an all-round multihued egalitarian boomburb than a religious-conservative hotbed (whatever the religion may be). Only a not-as-unlikely-as-it-looks Mike Harris-style blue sweep will take this one down--and keep in mind that the MBS was almost tied with Wascana (!) for the best Liberal percentage W of the 416... |
27 11 05 |
Lincoln |
Although much has been said about the same-sex issue which polarized the area, no one can deny the impact that Navdeep Bains' recent appointment will have on the populace. As well, he's remained hard-working, humble, well-spoken and very much accessible throughout his time in office. While Conservative support will increase, it will probably be a marginal increase at most. I wouldn't be surprized if Navdeep pulls away with 10,000 more votes than the Conservative candidate. |
19 11 05 |
Alan K |
I heard the Conservatives are running Parvinder Sandhu again. Considering this guy had people from India phone their Canadian relatives overseas telling them to vote Tory, this guy's heading to another ass whooping, courtesy of Navdeep Bains. Mr. Bains' new role as PS to the PM gives him a greater role in the government's agenda and access to the PM, plus I admire his stance on same-sex marriage back in the spring, despite his religion. My prediction? LIB 65% CON 20% NDP 6% GRN 4% OTH 5% |
10 05 05 |
J.S. |
This riding has a strong South Asian population. Mr. Bains has alienated a lot of them with his stand on same sex marriage. A strong Conservative candidate could have a chance here, if he/she can get out the vote. |
04 05 05 |
What a surprize Navdeep Bains has been - very strong, confident and works hard. Blew away Sandu last time and will again this time. Along with Holland - they are two rising stars in the Liberal party. |
08 05 05 |
Mike |
Mr Bains has done an excellent job thus far as a Member of Parliment. HE currently sits as the Chair on the Human Rights Committee with some very well known MP's on that committee (Stockwell Day, Broadbent NDP). It is clear that Mr Bains is an up and coming rising star not just for the Liberals, but for all Canadians. |
01 05 05 |
Miles Lunn |
Like many other 905 belt ridings, this one has experienced large growth amongst communities that typically vote liberal so past conservative voting patterns no longer apply. Besides the liberals won by 33 points so no matter how damaging testimony is at the Gomery Inquiry, such a lead cannot disappear in a one year time frame. It is unlikely the Conservatives will win any Mississauga ridings, but at least they might have a slight chance in Mississauga South or Mississauga-Erindale if Carolyn Parrish splits the liberal vote. |