Projet D'Élection Prévision

élection générale (Canada) - 2011


La prévision a changé
2011-04-29 23:02:00

Profil de circonscription


Blaney, Steven

Dougé, Sacha

Gosselin, Danielle-Maude

Laforesterie, Francis

Laliberté, Nicole

Steven Blaney

prévision historiques

  • 2008 prévision
  • 2006 prévision
  • 2004 prévision
  • 2000 prévision
  • bellechasse-etchemins-montmagny-lislet (99/207 Polls)
  • levis-et-chutes-de-la-chaudiere (132/239 Polls)
  • Référence:

  • Pundits’ Guide


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    11 05 01 Marco Ricci
    Project Democracy poll:
    CON: 52.3
    NDP: 22.7
    BQ: 18.2
    11 04 29 WAC
    A poll release today by project democracy shows Blaney with an almost insurmountable 30 point lead over the NDP. Easy Conservative hold.
    11 04 27 Stéphane Gaudet
    Sondage Axiome mené du 14 au 16 avril, publié ce matin seulement (27 avril):
    PCC 37,7 BQ 25,5 NPD 22,9 LIB 5,9
    La vague orange se faisait déjà sentir, mais au point de menacer la réélection de Steve Blaney. Mais 11 jours plus tard, est-ce toujours le cas ? Ou le NPD a-t-il continué de progresser même dans ce comté aux vieux fond créditiste et conservateur ???
    J'opte pour une réélection des conservateurs dans un de leurs bastions, mais le NPD ne sera pas loin derrière.
    11 04 24 JFBreton
    Je ne suis pas un grand fan de la rhétorique conservatrice représentée par Blaney, mais force est d'admettre qu'il sera réélu. Bellechasse a un fond bleu assez prononcé et la montée du NPD fera perdre des voix au bloc, sans compter que la région de Chaudière-Appalaches est un désert pour le PQ et un terreau fertile pour l'ADQ au provoncial. Victoire du PCC.
    11 04 20 Patrick
    The incumbent Steven Blaney received support from three well-known persons in the region recently: the Minister of Economic Development of Quebec, Clement Gignac, the Liberal provincial deputy for Lévis, Gilles Lehouillier, and instigator of the ‘Marche Bleue & the return of the Nordiques’ promoter, Mario Roy, all announced their intention to vote for Mr Blaney.
    This should help Steven Blaney in keeping his seat for Lévis-bellechasse.
    11 04 16 M. Lunn
    Considering the margin the Tories won by last time around, as long as they get over 15% province wide, they should hold this. Also for the lack of federal funding in Levis, I should note that their biggest margins came from the Bellechasse part of the riding not Levis so even if they lose Levis, their big margins in the Bellechasse portion should be enough to allow them to hold this. Last time around they got 46% in the riding, but got over 50% in almost every municipality in the rural areas south of Levis and most cases won by 2:1 margins over the Bloc.
    11 04 13 Stéphane Gaudet
    Je ne vois pas de pertes pour les conservateurs dans la région de la Capitale nationale ni dans Chaudière-Appalaches. Au contraire, ils reprendront peut-être Louis-Hébert. La radio de la région bombarde le Bloc et se range derrière le PCC. Si les sondages dans la région favorisaient le Bloc au début de la campagne électorale, je ne crois pas que ce soit encore le cas maintenant. Blaney sera réélu.
    11 04 02 M.Lunn
    In the past two elections the Tories have easily held this and although they could face more of a challenge this time around, as long as they stay over 15% in Quebec they should hold this. In the past two elections their support in Levis was not particularly high while they racked up pretty large margins in the Bellechasse portion where the arena in Quebec City is less of an issue.
    11 03 31 Tony Ducey
    Blaney appears to be among the most vocal of all the Conservative MP's from Quebec, he should hold this riding.
    11 03 23 Dr Bear & Prof Ape
    This one is in play. Would say leaning CPC but with recent poll numbers in the Quebec City region this one is going to be closer.
    11 03 16 Nord Polisci
    This one is now in play. I don't think it was the arena funding decision, but the way we were toyed with for months. Blaney won't make it back!
    11 03 06 Marco Ricci
    A January 2011 Segma poll projection shows a close race here between the Conservatives and the BQ, with the Cons at 33% and the BQ at 31%.
    Will the recent decision by the Cons not to fund the Quebec City arena cause trouble here too? We'll have to wait and see.
    10 09 24 MH
    Steven Blaney is in real danger of losing this seat if Conservative support drops below 12-15% province-wide. The polling numbers did not look good until it seemed that there might be federal government support for a new arena in Quebec. Unhappily for Quebec Tories, Ottawa support for the arena would be political poison in many other parts of Canada. Watch the polling numbers fall again once it becomes clear that there won't be any cash. In that case it would be unwise to put much money on Mr. Blaney's chances of re-election.
    09 09 14 Dr Bear & Prof Ape
    Another riding that should be watched if the CPC numbers drop in Quebec again. With them at about 20% they should be safe here but remember how fickle Quebec voters can be. If Harper honks off Quebec again they will have no trouble punishing him by voting for the BQ.
    09 09 10 JFBreton
    Les conservateurs ont utilis? cet ?t? les ressources d'une firme priv?e de Toronto, Responsive Marketing Group. Selon leur analyse, seuls Maxime Bernier (Beauce), Jos?e Verner (Louis-Saint-Laurent), Christian Paradis (M?gantic-l'?rable) et Jean-Pierre Blackburn (Jonqui?re-Alma) pourraient dormir tranquilles. Le si?ge des six autres ?lus est en danger s'il y a des ?lections cet automne (Lawrence Cannon, Sylvie Boucher, Denis Lebel, Steven Blaney et Daniel Petit). L'analyse conclut ?galement que si les intentions de vote remontent l?g?rement, le si?ge de Jacque Gourde (Lotbini?re-Chute-de-la-Chaudi?re) serait sauv?.[source: Le Devoir, 10 septembre 2009] Ceci ?tant, je crois tout de m?me que Blaney passera au travers. Les souverainistes sont plut?t d?sorganis?s dans Chaudi?re-Appalaches, le PQ n'est plus que l'ombre de lui-m?me. Par effet d'entra?nement (de la Beauce notamment), les Conservateurs gagneront ici par la peau des fesses.
    09 08 28 Smok Wawelski
    Je crois que M. Blaney va garder cette Comte, car les Conservateurs retient leur popularite au region. En plus on ne peut pas dire que c'est un Chateau-Fort Bloquiste non plus, car les Liberaux l'ont remporte aux elections partiels en 2003
    09 08 27 wyatt
    With a more than a 9,000 vote lead in '06 and an 11,000 vote lead in '08, it's a mystery why this is being called for the BQ. I assume it's an error, and it should be a Tory prediction. Blaney is safe here, and has been working with the Tory caucus in Quebec to swing other ridings.
    09 08 26 JF Breton
    Blaney est fort apprécié dans sa circonscription et présent. Fond conservateur dans Bellechasse, voisin de la Beauce, qui s'est transposé chez les créditistes puis les adéquistes. Terreau fertile. Réélection de Blaney, au pire avec une majorité réduite.

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