| 24/08/21 |
R.O. |
No incumbent as Bruce Stanton retired after being mp since 2006. This riding had been liberal in the 90’s although before that was a solid conservative riding for decades. Adam Chambers is the new conservative candidate beating out several others for the nomination. |
| 04/08/21 |
A.S. |
A daring ‘no prediction’, even if it's piggybacking off open-seat opportunism--but as much as O'Toole might seek to appeal to homegrown Leacockian moderation, he still has to fight off the radicals both within his political wing and within this riding. And being at the edge of the Shield, Simcoe North isn't *entirely* devoid of that frontierish Hillier/Sloan element of radical-populist orneriness--and it might be beyond O'Toole to either keep that element at bay or prevent the ‘Mariposa moderates’ from migrating to the less wracked safe-choice Libs, much as they did in the Chretien era. And given how some of the historically sturdiest Con parts (Oro-Medonte, mostly) are no longer in the riding, it's a challenge. |
| 07/05/21 |
Teddy Boragina |
Nice to see the site back in action again; been submitting for over half my life now! This is where I live, and it's almost certainly going to go blue again. O'Toole is explicitly trying to appeal to precisely the kind of conservative and Conservative who lives in this riding. As a riding, we are pro-mask, and moderate. By letting people know he does not support the radicals, O'Toole is telling people here that they have a safe choice in him. Given the riding's history, I see no reason why there would be a change. At least, not at the time of submission, in the spring of 2021. |