 | 05/09/21 |
Wildflower |
People in this riding are fussy with their money, and dont like the spending the liberals have done in some areas |
 | 03/09/21 |
R.O. |
Pam Damoff was first elected in 2015, this riding in its exact boundaries has also only existed since 2015 before that part of the Milton riding. An area that has bounced back and forth between liberals and conservatives with very little ndp presence. The conservatives have found a new candidate Hanan Rizkala. If the nearby Oakville riding is close this one must be close too. |
 | 06/08/21 |
A.S. |
Conventional wisdom had this as low-handing CPC fruit in '19--even EPP forecast as much--yet somehow, Damhoff wound up holding it with a bigger margin than in Oakville. Which wouldn't have been surprising a generation ago; but in these days when Con support is presumed to be more of a York Regionish ‘new money’ than Old Oakvilleish ‘old money’ thing, it can raise eyebrows. (Then again, we're dealing w/an incumbent rather than a nomination-upsetting new candidate, and the CPC was running a former municipal councillor rather than a former MP. So maybe it was just an elementary matter of scale.) |
 | 04/08/21 |
Pam Damoff won this riding by 7000 votes in 2019. Halton Region is more favourable to the Liberals that it was a decade ago. Should be a Liberal hold unless the political climate changes significantly. |