| 15/09/21 |
R.O. |
Little has been said about this one and not sure if any party leaders have been to the riding. Marie Claude Bibeau was first elected in 2015 and eventually became a cabinet minister. The riding has somewhat of a swing history. Been bloc , ndp and liberal since 2004. Mainly rural and borders 2 cpc ridings to the north yet the conservatives haven’t been strong here. so mainly a liberal/bloc race this election. |
| 15/08/21 |
A.S. |
No prediction in light of '19's narrowed race. Still, the margin was wider here than in Brome-Missisquoi--a bit Bibeau's cabinet incumbency; a bit your usual Stanstead-and-Lennoxville reasons; and a bit, perhaps, that greater Sherbrooke is ‘moderating’ (whereas B-M's urbanism is more ‘small-town’, less minor-metropolitan). So perhaps I should question that non-prediction. (And a measure of the brewing Jagmeet effect upon the campus electorate: the central Bishops U poll actually went NDP.) |
| 09/05/21 |
J.F. Breton |
Peu de risque pour Marie-Claude Bibeau dans cette région des Cantons-de-l'Est. Comme toujours, son principal opposant sera bloquiste. Ce sera plus serré que pour certains de ses collègues ministres, mais sa position et sa notoriété seront un plus vers la victoire. |