| 15/09/21 |
J.F. Breton |
Lutte toujours trڈs serrژe dans Ch‰teauguay-Lacolle. Si certains secteurs sont plus nationalistes, en descendant vers le sud, les libژraux ont toujours de solides assises. La remontژe du Bloc ne semble pas, pour le moment, assez importante pour leur permettre d'arracher le comtژ, les agrژgateurs de sondage penchant toujours vers les libژraux. |
| 14/09/21 |
George |
Mainstreet of Sept 4th has a close race, Liberal leading BQ 34 to 28 among decided voters. With BQ up since the 4th, probably more like a tie now. https://ipolitics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ChateauguayLacolle-iPolitics-04September2021.pdf |
| 15/08/21 |
A.S. |
The Argenteuil-LPN of the S Shore: something I handed to the Libs in '19 on big-share-in-'15 grounds, yet it turned out to be a Bloc-wave-grazed squeaker instead--but hey, Shanahan still survived! And it was *really* polarized, w/Shanahan's support heavily concentrated within Chateauguay proper, yet beyond a single poll in Mercier, there were no rural/exurban interior Lib polls until a pair in the Lacolle end, close to and along the US border. The Grits should thank their blessings that Chateauguay's a ‘mixed’ town; it's what saved their skin here. (Oh, and I contest the idea that there's anything like a 3-way Conservative-inclusive dynamic here--even in the Liberal-sickbed Harper years, they came nowhere close to winning, and somewhere within proximity of the 10th percentile seem their out-of-contention current norm here.) |
| 25/05/21 |
J.F. Breton |
Lutte toujours serrée dans Châteauguay-Lacolle, l'une des rares luttes à trois qui implique habituellement les Conservateurs dans la région de Montréal. Tout dépendra de la performance des Libéraux et des Bloquistes au niveau national. Trop tôt pour désigner un gagnant. |