Constituency Profile
Payne, Anita |  |
Smith, Todd |  |
Stewart, Merrill |  |
Thompson, Georgina | Incumbent: |
Todd Smith |
Pundits’ Guide – Ontario (Prince Edward-Hastings)
2011 Provincial Election Prediction
2011 Federal Election Prediction
2008 Federal Election Prediction
2007 Provincial Election Prediction
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 | 14 06 10 |
A.S. |
Leona D. got fairly readily D-spatched in '11; though in a way, she was always a class-of-99 Liberal fluke (even if redistribution, by adding the Loyalist-Liberal stronghold Belleville, remedied that a touch). But notwithstanding Belleville (or the increasingly wild-cardish through Hogtown-expatriate-ism Prince Edward County, where a local candidate led to Green overachieving in '11), now that PC is in, it looks set to stay--too much unbudgeable Hillierite hinterland north of the Quinte zone. Oh, and unlike Lou Rinaldi next door, Leona's not running again. |
 | 14 05 22 |
Alice |
If the Liberals were to break into rural Ontario again this would be one of the early ridings to flip. However I just don't see that happening at this point. PCs retain. |
 | 14 05 04 |
monkey |
The PCs won by 7 points last time around when running against a popular cabinet minister so if they could win under those conditions, they should have little difficulty winning this time around. |
 | 13 05 14 |
Keen Observer |
If Todd Smith could knock off a sitting cabinet minister with a lackluster central campaign, I don't believe there is any chance of the Liberals winning back this seat. Look for a larger margin of victory for Todd. |
 | 13 02 24 |
LFC Ottawa |
This was a race to watch in 2011 when Todd Smith took down the minister of education. This time he will win it easily. |