Constituency Profile
Arsenault, Natalie |  |
Chapman, Evelyne |  |
LeBlanc, Dominic |  |
Levi-Peters, Susan |
Incumbent: |
Hon. Dominic LeBlanc |
Previous Prediction/result
2008 Prediction
2006 Prediction
2004 Prediction
2000 Prediction
Pundits' Guide
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 | 11 04 02 |
C.A.B. |
This could very well be the only Liberal riding left in New Brunswick after this election - but it will certainly never fall to the Tories, nor to the NDP, even though they actually won here in 1997. Not to mention that, in the event that Ignatieff loses and resigns, LeBlanc also has a good shot at replacing him as leader. |
 | 11 03 28 |
M. Lunn |
The only riding to go Liberal during the 1984 Tory landslide and without question the safest Liberal riding in New Brunswick. As an added bonus, Dominic Leblanc is a potential leader for the Liberals in the future. |
 | 10 07 23 |
binriso |
Should be an easy win for the Liberals again. They may not gain any seats but surely they wont lose anymore. |
 | 09 09 15 |
Phoenix |
There won't be any surprises here on election night. Dominic Leblanc enjoys a one-two punch of being an immensely popular MP in a strongly Liberal riding. Should the Liberals win the election, he'll no doubt have a high-profile cabinet portfolio - certainly more high-profile than the portfolios of either of NB's current cabinet ministers. Should the Liberals lose, his name will no doubt be bandied about as a leadership contender. Whether the Liberals win or lose federally, it's a win-win for Dominic Leblanc. |
 | 09 08 28 |
Haligonian Political Junkie |
Dominic LeBlanc will easily hold onto Beausejour, regardless of larger regional or national voting trends. He is one of the most prominent of the new generation of younger Liberal MPs who represent the post-Chretien/Martin era and may even be a contender for the party leadership after Ignatieff (and would likely be a Cabinet possibility should Ignatieff win the election). |