Profil de circonscription
 | Liberal Gauthier, Robert |
 | Bloc Québécois Guimond, Michel |
 | Green Legros, Jacques |
 | Conservative Tremblay, Guy-Léonard |
 | New Democratic Tremblay, Jonathan |
Député: |
Michel Guimond |
2006 Résultats:
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 | 08 10 05 |
Nick J Boragina |
In my last submission, I said that unless something changes, this riding will go to the Tories. In short; something changed. I wont repeat the reasons because they are in the posts below this one; but rather I am changing my submission from Tory to Bloc. |
 | 08 09 29 |
Stéphane Gaudet |
Selon le sondage Segma réalisé pour Gesca, Guimond est largement en avance ici et vogue vers une réélection sans difficulté. Ce comté n'est pas comme la ville de Québec, vraiment pas. Charlevoix et la Côte-Nord, c'est souverainiste et syndicaliste. |
 | 08 09 29 |
J.F. Breton |
Je me range de l'avis du site... Faut dire que la dernière semaine des conservateurs n'a pas été très bonne au Québec. Sondage LeSoleil - Groupe Gesca entre le 24 et 27 septembre: Michel Guimond, BQ 56% Guy-LéonardTremblay, PCC 29% Robert Gauthier, PLC 8% Jonathan Tremblay, NPD 4% Jacques Legros, VERT 3% |
 | 08 03 09 |
A.S. |
By virtue of a 30%+ result and proximity to Quebec City, an obvious next-tier CPC target--though given the geography, perhaps there's a hidden message as to why the Tories *didn't* come closer last time. Reinforcing said message: that PQ leader Pauline Marois used Charlevoix as her stepping stone back into the National Assembly. Perhaps CPC might find there's still too sublime a Gens-du-pays electoral firewall out around these parts? |
 | 07 10 03 |
Dr Bear & Prof Ape |
Hey Nick, we're with you on this one buddy! It was probably us you were referring to when you said you had a row with other predictors in '06. We thought 10 seats for the CPC to be just plain crazy. We predicted back in April that this one should be TCTC (though our prediction musta gotten lost) and we're sticking by it. New poll released today says that the CPC is scoring big with the soft nationalist in Quebec (read: places the ADQ won in March) at the expense of the BQ. This seems to be a prime target for the CPC, seeing how the Montmorency part of the riding will likely vote similarly to the rest of Quebec City. The problem lies with the rest of the riding: Charlevoix and Cote Nord which is more of the hard core separatist type (where the BQ still has a 40 point lead). We're going to say that because of this, a certain CPC prediction is a little premature, but very possible. |
 | 07 09 19 |
Nick J Boragina |
Unless something changes between now and the election – and it could, I’m going to have to place this one in the Conservative column based on Math. I had quite a row with other predictors in the last federal election, when I predicted 10 Tories from Quebec, based on math. They said I was crazy, but on Election day, I was smack on the money. Now I’m calling ridings like this one for the Tories due to the same mathematical equations I used last time. Remember that this is a ‘rural’ riding, and the ADQ recently did very well here. Even with a slight swing from the Bloc to the Tories (in all three recent by-elections the Tories numbers with relation to the Bloc numbers were far up). The math tells me that based on swing forecasting, it would take a 11 point gap (the by-election gap was 4.6) in St.Hyacinthe to make this riding a toss up. |
 | 07 06 20 | |
M?me si l'ADQ a gagn? Montmorency d? au vote de protestation du 26 mars dernier, le PQ a quand m?me r?ussit ? conserver Charlevoix et toute la C?te-Nord. De plus, ce comt? est on ne peut plus souverainiste et autant le Bloc que le PQ ont r?ussi ? le conserver avec de bonnes majorit?s. Victoire facile du Bloc! |
 | 07 04 07 | |
Bien que recoupant une partie de la région de la capitale nationale, ce comté a résisté à la percée conservatrice dans la région, en grande partie parce que, outre Montmorency et la Côte de Beaupré, il comprend des régions très souverainistes et fidèles aux péquistes, comme Charlevoix et la Côte-Nord. Si ce comté avait eu à passer aux mains des conservateurs, il l'aurait fait en janvier 2006 en suivant la vague conservatrice régionale. S'il ne l'a pas fait, c'est que ce comté est dans une catégorie à part. Réélection du Bloc Québécois grâce à Charlevoix et la Haute-Côte-Nord. |
 | 07 04 06 |
J.F. Breton |
Je prédis une victoire du Bloc, ce comté recouvrant la circonscription provinciale de Charlevoix et une partie de René-Lévesque. L'organisation conservatrice n'est pas assez forte ici, devant la machine souverainiste, pour arracher ce comté au Bloc. |