Profil de circonscription
 | Bloc Québécois André, Guy |
 | New Democratic Chauvette, André |
 | Conservative Godue, Marie-Claude |
 | Green Lefebvre, Denis |
 | Liberal Matteau, Jean-Luc |
Député: |
Guy André |
2006 Résultats:
Nous n'aimons pas des films publicitaires non plus, mais quelqu'un doivent payer le loyer.
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 | 08 10 10 |
Stéphane Gaudet |
Je change d'avis, pas de vague conservatrice en Mauricie contrairement à ce que je prévoyais en début de campagne. De plus, ce siège est à cheval sur la Mauricie et Lanaudière. Cette dernière région est beaucoup plus souverainiste que la Mauricie. Même avec une vague conservatrice, je ne suis pas certain que ce comté aurait basculé, la vague aurait très bien pu s'arrêter à Trois-Rivières, pas plus à l'ouest. Quoi qu'il en soit, victoire bloquiste. |
 | 08 03 09 |
A.S. |
If it's a largely rural/exurban seat where the Tories earned 30%+ in 2006, it's in the next tier of Quebec CPC targets--end of story. (Oh, and Berthier is where Marie Grégoire had her historic ADQ byelection victory in 2002--ah, what if she were the Tory candidate now...) |
 | 07 09 19 |
Nick J Boragina |
I’ve noticed this riding does not have any official predictions yet. Let me be the first. CPC. Why? Unless something changes between now and the election – and it could, I’m going to have to place this one in the Conservative column based on Math. I had quite a row with other predictors in the last federal election, when I predicted 10 Tories from Quebec, based on math. They said I was crazy, but on Election day, I was smack on the money. Now I’m calling ridings like this one for the Tories due to the same mathematical equations I used last time. Remember that this is a ‘rural’ riding, and the ADQ recently did very well here. Even with a slight swing from the Bloc to the Tories (in all three recent by-elections the Tories numbers with relation to the Bloc numbers were far up). The math tells me that based on swing forecasting, it would take a 10 point gap (the by-election gap was 4.6) in St.Hyacinthe to make this riding a toss up. |
 | 07 04 07 |
Stéphane Gaudet |
Si les conservateurs devaient faire des gains hors de leur terreau fertile (Capitale nationale, Chaudière-Appalaches), ce serait le genre de comté qui pourrait très bien tomber dans la cagnotte conservatrice: nationaliste sans êtres fortement souverainiste, représenté par l'ADQ à l'Assemblée nationale, rural sans grand centre urbain. Mais c'est trop tôt pour prédire quoi que ce soit. Ça demeure dans le domaine du possible seulement. |
 | 07 03 30 |
C B |
With the recent Quebec election, there are many ridings in Quebec not previously thought to be in play which have to be considered. It is evident that there is a large available constituency for the Tories and ridings such as this could very well fall to them in a majority situation. |