Constituency Profile Profil de circonscription
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Liberal Party/Parti libéral: Reg Alcock |
Conservatives/Conservateurs: Rod Bruinooge |
Green Party/Parti Vert: Ron Cameron |
N.D.P./N.P.D.: Catherine Green |
Christian Héritage Chrétien: Jane MacDiarmid |
Population 2001 populations | | 76,871 |
Number of electors 2000 Nombre d'électeurs | | 55168 |
Incumbents/Les députés: |
Winnipeg South (100.0%) Hon. Reg Alcock |
2000 Result/Résultats:
Redistributed |
18,493 |
51.42% |
10,809 |
30.06% |
3,440 |
9.57% |
3,086 |
8.58% |
136 |
0.38% |
Winnipeg South
(137/165 polls, 55168/63345 voters)
2000 Prediction/Complete Results |
 | 18493 | |
 | 10809 | |
 | 3440 | |
 | 3086 | |
OTHER | 136 | |
20/06/04 |
Full name Email: [hidden] |
I think Alcock made a big mistake in starting slowly at the beginning of the campaign; Rod Bruinooge really broke from the starting gate on the front page of the Winnipeg Sun. Say what you want about Conservative chances, the new guy really seems to be putting his back into it. In the last few weeks, I've seen him on TV, the movie theatre, driving that billboard down the street, heard him on the radio... I've only seen Reg in flyers and the Free Press, in that article about his running campaigns for the Manitoba Liberals. The vote split gave Reg easy victories in the past, and as a result, the campaigns against him really did seem to be sacrificial: no real advertising, no door-to-door... As a result, the commentator below is right - Reg does seem to be the king of Manitoba. After a long trip to Ottawa, though, Oedipus has come back to town. Considering his relaxed campaign, the united alternative, sliding Liberal support, and the energetic opposition, it's going to be interesting to see how that hubris works out for him. |
20/06/04 |
Chris Email: christhomas@hotmail.com |
Reg has this are down, expect a decent fight from both the ndp and the conservaties, but this riding is going to stay liberal, they have to win somewhere. The finish will be Liberal, Conservative, NDP. |
11/06/04 |
Keith Barber Email: [hidden] |
Reg Alcock has plenty of signs but they are less noticable than the huge Blue conservative signs. As a riding history the swing provincially was toward the NDP from the Previously Conservative riding. But NDP provincially turns into Liberal Federally. The local Green Candidate looks good- He's a former RCMP admin in Forensics. and he seems on the ball, I think there will be some confusion because the NDP candidate is named Catherine GREEN so perhaps voters will think all the green signs are for the green party. on my bay it looks like 7 Conservative signs, 2 liberal, one green, and no NDP. lotsa of people are saying they are checking out the different party websites, and they like the liberal one, the greens keep updating well so that keeps them going back, and the NDP is well designed with endorsements. I am not sure if Reg Alcock's In tight with the hub of power is going to help or hamstring him this time around. Thinking looks like this: Liberal upper level = scandal, Reg = Liberal upper level, therefore Reg = Scandal. He runs a good campaign though. The fact that the vote for a green or and NDP will not likely gain them a seat in this riding does not seem to deter those NDP or Greens I've talked to at the soccer pitches, they are aware that they are voting a $7 contribution to those parties to help build them over the next four years because of the new electoral funding laws. most people are talking about the local mayoralty race. |
11/06/04 |
ER Email: [hidden] |
Liberal Alcock still the favourite but the trend is towards the CPC. This could be close. |
11/06/04 |
Libertarian Email: [hidden] |
The race in this riding will be much closer then anyone expected even two weeks ago. I had Reg Alcock people at my door yesterday, counting every vote with a special interest in new people in the riding. They didn't seem confident and relaxed. I sensed the opposite. I think, the acceleration of new housing development and some demographic shift in the last few years may render prediction based on the past somehow useless. Combine this with the loosing momentum the Liberals have on national stage, this riding is too close to call. |
25/05/04 |
J.E Email: [hidden] |
Reg Alcock will win this again. His abilty to bring home the bacon since becoming minister has been quite good and he has never had a tough time in an election. If Reg goes down, than it's going to be 1984 all over again and Prime Minister Harper will have pulled an upset and Reg's half decade long quest to undermine his own party and replace his leader will have been for naught. |
25/05/04 |
Rob Email: [hidden] |
Given that support for an incumbant party has dropped in every election campaign in the last forty years (with the exception of Trudeau in 1974), and given Alcock's position at the Treasury Board, his attempt at downplaying the AdScam to a loss of "only 13 million dollars" when he knew that wasn't true, and a general sense that Canadians want change, I'd have to think Reg is very vulnerable. With a strong NDP siphoning off votes on the left, and with the Conservatives running a Red Tory in the riding, I see Alcock losing votes on both the the Right and Left. Given the many upper middle class areas in the riding, I foresee Tory Rod Bruinooge claiming a somewhat surprising victory. |
13/05/04 |
Erikson Email: [hidden] |
Reg will win easy. They might as well not even have an election. This Rod guy sure has some nerve putting up a campaign against the big guy. I hope he knows that he is just a sacrificial lamb. |
12/04/04 |
Joe Email: Joannelaos@hotmail.com |
Many don't realize that Reg Alcock is at the centre of the Sponsorship Scandal. Once that flows through, expect Alcock's support to die. All Canadians are angry with the waste of $100 Million and they will most certainly take it out on the man in the middle defending it. Most people in this riding disagree with a few policies of the Conservatives, but they will use them to express their anger with the Liberals. |
01/04/04 |
Nick Boragina Email: kee_empire@hotmail.com |
1-The Liberals are doing well in the polls in Manitoba 2-The Liberals won this riding with a majority 3-Most "red tories" are expected to break towards the Liberals 4-Reg Alcock is a well knowen Cabinet Minister. This riding will go Liberal. |
31/03/04 |
Jacob Email: |
Reg Alcock is the King of Manitoba and Winnipeg South is his throne. He delivered on the underpass and will sit back and watch the votes pour in. The Treasury Board president should receive around 60% on election day. |
18/03/04 |
Bear and Ape Email: thebigape2000@hotmail.com |
Liberals have this one in the bag. Reg Alcock is popular and have become a high profile cabinet minister. His majority will be down but thats due to Liberals woes and NDP popularity. |
01/03/04 |
Patrick Webber Email: |
South Winnipeg is a Liberal bastion, and will remain so this time around. Easy Liberal win. |