Constituency Profile Profil de circonscription
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Parti Marijuana Party: Michel Allard |
Liberal Party/Parti libéral: Raymonde Folco |
N.D.P./N.P.D.: Paul Michaud |
Bloc Québécois: Micaël Poirier |
Conservatives/Conservateurs: Jean-Paul Pratte |
Marxist-Leninist: Polyvios Tsakanikas |
Green Party/Parti Vert: Pierre Véronneau |
Population 2001 populations | | 100,137 |
Number of electors 2000 Nombre d'électeurs | | 76415 |
Incumbents/Les députés: |
Laval-Ouest (100.0%) Raymonde Folco |
2000 Result/Résultats:
Redistributed |
26,523 |
53.52% |
14,600 |
29.46% |
4,018 |
8.11% |
2,901 |
5.85% |
1,519 |
3.06% |
(189/240 polls, 76415/93062 voters)
2000 Prediction/Complete Results |
 | 26523 | |
 | 14600 | |
 | 4018 | |
 | 607 | |
 | 2901 | |
OTHER | 912 | |
10/06/04 |
MArc Dandurand Jr. Email: [hidden] |
Contrairement aux affirmations diffamatoires de Victor alléguant que seuls les pauvres francophones votent pour le Bloc, cette circonscription sera rouge principalement en raison du secteur très multiethnique de Chomedey (entre autoroute 13 et Boul. Curé-Labelle). |
16/05/04 |
Stéphane Gaudet Email: [hidden] |
Raymonde Folco sera réélue haut-la-main dans cette circonscription fédéraliste qui n'a jamais voté pour le Bloc québécois, résistant même à la vague de 1993. |
16/05/04 |
Victor A. Email: hombresvic@hotmail.com |
Why?? Well, you should know that, The failure of the Meech Accord, lack of satisfaction with the provincial PLQ gov't, vote splitting among the federalist voters, at that time the PC party still had some credible base in Quebec, and even then it didn't go BQ while places like Ahuntsic did. Honestly, I don't think historic results have that much of a relevance when it comes to suburbia and that applies to Mtl, GTA and Vancouver. One has to keep in mind that the population in this riding increased in the last 11 years by around 15% and it became even more expensive to buy a house here, so .. yes you guessed it, only well off people can do that. |
12/05/04 |
E. Andrew Washburn Email: [hidden] |
The BQ should come within.... 15% fo the Liberals here. i.e. I predict a Liberal victory. It should be noted this riding was formerly called Laval West. West Laval, as with West Montreal means weaker support for seperatism, and higher support for federalism. The BQ came within 5,000 votes in 1993, but I dont think you will even see that despite the sponorship crisis. Also expect some high numbers from the Conservatives. |
11/05/04 |
Bernard Email: [hidden] |
OK, if this is so fed Liberal, why did the BQ come within spitting distance of winning in 1993? |
24/04/04 |
Victor A. Email: [hidden] |
Laval-les Îles are an upper class and middle upper class various communities in the western parts of Laval ( Ste-Dorothée, Laval sur le Lac etc ) and adjascent small islands ( Île Bigras etc ). These are is inhabited by mostly francophone professionals, in other words it's solid Liberal terriority. French-born Raymonde Folco was just one step away from losing her nomination but having kept it, she will be returing to Ottawa with ease. |
19/03/04 |
syllap Email: sylapointe@hotmail.com |
Welcome to the Westmount of Laval...easy Liberal vicotry for raymonde Folco who survived a though nomination battle, she can rest now until election day.... |