Election Prediction Project
Projet D'Élection Prévision


Québec 2003
Provincial Election/Élection Provinciale


Update/Mise à jour:
12:08 AM 3/31/2003/B>

Prediction Changed
La prévision a changé
6:23 PM 2/9/2003

Constituency Profile
Profil de circonscription

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(Liens? Voir les détails de patronage.)
Parti Québecois:
Denis Martel
Parti libéral/Liberal Party:
Henri-François Gautrin
Action démocratique:
Sébastien Guérin

MNAs/Les députés:
Henri-François Gautrin

Federal MP/députés fédéral:
2000 Federal Election Prediction
Verdun-Saint-Henri-Saint-Paul-Pointe Saint-Charles
Liza Frulla

1998 Result/Résultats:

Henri-François Gautrin
17441 52.76%

Yves Bernard
11670 35.30%

Pascale Perron
3105 9.39%

Number of electors
Nombre d'électeurs



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27/03/03 Grizz
So the Liberals won't get over 85% of the vote in this riding, unlike in, let's say, Nelligan. However they're still going to win here.
07/02/03 TI
With the exception of wealthy Île des Soeurs--home to several of Montreal's artistic and intellectual elite including Jacques Parizeau--Verdun is a poor working class riding that is gradually becoming more immigrant. Former NDP member and long-time MNA Henri-François Gautrin will have no difficulty in taking this seat, as the riding is too federalist for the PQ to win, and too urban and too working class for the ADQ to gain many converts to their particular brand of small town conservativism.

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