Canadian Federal Election Election
Riding-by-Riding Prediction

Current Prediction:
Riding Profile:

Liberal Party:
Bill Patrick
Canadian Alliance:
Maurice Vellacott
Progressive Conservative Party:
Kirk Eggum
New Democratic Party:
Hugh Walker
Green Party:
David Greenfield

Maurice Vellacott

Previous Result:

Surrounding Ridings:

Population: ?
Avg Household Income ?
Language (Home)
English ?
French ?
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16/10/00 Steven Lloyd Email:
I expect that the incumbant CA Vellacotte will take this seat. I think this is the only Saskatoon seat that the nDP did not place a close second in in the last election. This particular riding is very rural based which in Sask. translates to alliance votes.
16/10/00 Ian Berg Email:
Like many seats in Saskatchewan the fight here will be between the Alliance and NDP. I give the Alliance the advantage because the incumbent MP (Vellacott) is from that party. The Alliance has a chance to force a minority Liberal government, which many people in Saskatchewan think is the best way to curtail the intrusive, centralist federal government. Alliance is also the favourite choice of most protest voters and there are many in Saskatchewan.
Maurice Vellacott is the Alliance incumbent and should win re-election. The local New Democrats are his only serious opposition because Liberal policies on gun control, patronage, and agriculture are not popular. But I don't know who the NDP candidate is, if one has been nominated yet, which suggests they are less organized than the local Alliance association.
16/10/00 Brett Quiring Email:
I think this riding will go CA. In responce to Ian's comments the this seat was one of the first the NDP nomination in the country. The candidate is Dr. Hugh Walker a medical doctor from Saskatoon. The NDP has a strong organization in this riding. They will probally out organize everyone in at least 10 of 14 SK ridings, but it won't be enough to unseat Maurice.
19/10/00 A.S. Email:
The safest of Saskatoon's Alliance seats, because the typically Lib/NDP-friendly city polls are more than counterbalanced by fiercely evangelical rural communities such as Warman and Martensville--territory that stayed faithful to the decimated provincial PCs through the mid-90s. Stock's minions won't be letting *this* one go, oh no no no...
23/11/00 al chant Email:
The Alliance will sweep Saskatoon-Wanuskewin. If trends work, it should be a vote of 15,000 for the Canadian Alliance. Stockwell Day coming to Saskatoon on Nov 24th should also help showcase the alliance.

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Last Updated 23 October 2000

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This site is maintained by Milton Chan