12/10/00 |
Mike Parkes |
Email: mdparkes@msn.com |
Sophia Leung will face a fight with the NDP candidate, who will probably be Victor Wong again. But she will pull through. |
13/10/00 |
Chris Delanoy |
Email: chris@propertyrights.net |
Sophia Leung is now widely regarded in this community as a complete embarrassment - probably the worst MP in the 36th Parliament. The NDP came within a hair last time, and are likely to overcome that small margin and remove the unbelievably inept one-termer Leung.
Editor's note: 3500 votes is "within a hair"? |
26/10/00 |
CM |
EMAIL: mayor21@london.com |
One of the few potential NDP gains. Incumbent Liberal MP Sophia Leung has a bad reputation in this riding, and had a close race with the NDP in 1997. If the NDP put together a good campaign, they'll pick this riding. |
26/10/00 |
M |
Email: ml@expres.com |
Marcel Hatch, leader of the Socialist Caucus, is going after the NDP nomination here. If he does watch for the NDP to run, not walk, to the Liberals in reaction to Hatch's Trotskyist lunacy. |
29/10/00 |
A.S. |
Email:adma@interlog.com |
As long as the Grits can convince voters of the NDP's Monty Python parrotdom, a duh? incumbent like Sophia Leung seems destined to stay put. Maybe. But (1) the NDP might get a bump from this being the home ground for Premier Dosanjih, and (2) you can never tell anything with Alliance these days... |
31/10/00 |
WW |
Email: |
I am a first time voter I will definitely volunteer and vote for Victor Wong if he runs. He is much more in touch with the people in this riding and Wong does not have any trouble with the Enlgish language which I think has hampered Sophia Leung's performance in Parliament. Saying that, I don't think she is a very good MP anyways as she is invisible in this riding. Wong is seemingly much more active in the community and I hope he will pull this one out. Hopefully, Green Party voters will vote for the NDP this time so Wong can win this riding. |
06/1100 |
Robert C. |
Email: robertc@home.com |
Sophia Leung has done nothing for this riding since her election. The disaster that the provincial NDP has brought is being carried over into the federal election. Three weeks before the election no one even knows who the NDP candidate is. Although this is a traditional "working class" riding people are demanding a change. The promised tax cuts by the Liberals do little to help the average working family in this riding. People want a change and in discussions at the local Starbucks a considerable amount of support is heading towards the alliance. |
07/11/00 |
Jim |
Email:jim@anglefish.com |
Leung can't win again. She is Liberal damaged goods. The NDP seem to be non-existent so far. The Alliance has a strong candidate in Alice Wong this time. Last time Reform had a weak candidate in Raymond Leung after he jumped from the Liberals after being bumped out by Sophi as a personal appointment of an arrogant PM Chretien. Much of the Reform vote stayed home. We know where they live and we will get them out this time! People are looking to dump the weak Liberal, look to Alice Wong to win by 2 to 4000 votes on the 27th. |
12/11/00 |
Jim |
Email:jim@anglefish.com |
In recent days, the NDP vote has collapsed. Polls indicate that 75% of the former NDP vote is coming to the Alliance. Sophi is toast! Alice Wong will win this riding. All she has to do is get her vote to the polls on the 27th. Editor's Note: Two things. First, NDP's number did not collapse, but jumped 3% according to most recent Angus Reid polls. Second, you must be smoking something to think that CA will be NDP voters' second choice. |
17/11/00 |
D. Agren |
Email:timmy2000@alberta.com |
Many of the Reform Party's votes were drawn from the NDP to begin with in B.C. I would be shocked if that happened in an urban riding though. |
21/11/00 |
Robert Kysham |
Email: |
If lawn signs are an indicator, Sophia Leung is not a shoo-in. Alice Wong of the Alliance and Victor Wong of the NDP have equally as many lawn signs in this riding. Provincially, this area is a strong NDP region, and Victor Wong is a well-known local. In addition, Sophia Leung has been invisible way back in the 5th row of the Liberal caucus. This will be much tighter than most people think. |
23/11/00 |
LA |
Email: |
I think the Liberals will probably win this, but I have been suprised by the number of Alliance signs in the riding. There also seem to be more NDP signs than I expected. (I am an NDP supporter personally). While I think Sophie will probably pervail, I won't be too surprised if there is an upset here. Going to be closer than most people think. |
25/11/00 |
J Chan |
Email: |
Sophia Leung is not running the campaign. She rejected to take part in the all-candiates debate in the Chinese radio show and I have never heard her voice in the Chinese radio. This riding has almost 40% Chinese voters. She is going to lose as nearly all the Chinese radio hosts said she has done nothing for the riding in the past as a MP. Many people complained in the radio phone-in that she refused to do anything as they asked for help when they have problems with the government. Many Chinese previously supported her will vote Alliance or NDP this time. As this riding is a centre-left riding, I think NDP will get the benefit. |
26/11/00 |
KT |
Email: |
The Chinese fairchild TV on line poll shows that NDP has 67% support. Tonight in Fairchild TV forum all three guests predicted that Liberal would not be re-elected in this riding as the Liberal MP basicaly has done nothing for this riding for the past three and half years. They predicted votes will go to other parties. I think NDP Victor Wong will get most of these votes. |
26/11/00 |
Email: |
Victor Wong almost won last time and his team is working hard to take the riding now. Leung has been a big disappointment, and the Liberals are not going to win any more votes than they had last time. The Alliance's Asian invasion comments doom them, and surely no one could ever consider the Tories a viable party here on the West Coast. It will be close, but I expect a victorious Victor on election night. |